Capital: Wellington
Population: 4, 100, 000
Languages: English, Maori, French, Hindi, Yue and Northern Chinese
New Zealand religious beliefs:
Christianity 56 %
no religion 35 %
others 5 %
The main sports in New Zealand are:
Rugby, cricket, horse racing, extreme sports, and adventure tourism.
Maori dances
Haka means "Maori dance". It uses feets, legs, body, voice and tongue.
Originally, it was a kind of war dance. Men still perform it.
Maori women often dance the poi. Poi means ball.
Tekijät: Pauliina, Reetta, Waltteri ja Jarkko
Water sport!
New Zealand can offer a lot to people looking for adventure. It's beaches and rivers are ideal for rafting, kayaking, diving, surfing and windsurfing. You can do just about every water sport in the world.